Most of the time digital tv antennas and solar panels work fine together however there are 3 main times when one can cause problems with the other
The 3 ways in which antennas and solar panels cause problems for one or the other
- Soiling. The tv antenna is located above one or more of the solar panels. Bird poo gets all over one or more of your panels resulting in reduced efficiency of your solar system
- Shadowing. The tv antenna is located such that at certain times of the day it causes a shadow over one or more of your panels – resulting in reduced efficiency of your solar system.
- Interference from a faulty invertor in one of your panels – resulting in issues with your tv signal
How to fix soiling from a tv antenna over shadowing solar panels
Usually it is straight-forward enough for a good antenna specialist to relocate your antenna to a different part of your roof – so that bird poo does not land on any of your solar panels. At Tiger Antennas we use a number of different types of antenna mount but with our main one we can locate a normal-height pole (up to 2.1 metres) to any part of your roof – without needing to drill a hole in your tile. No holes mean zero chance of roof leaks.
How to fix shadowing from an antenna on your solar panels.
As we the method above, it’s usually a simple case of relocating your antenna.
How to fix tv antenna reception issues caused by solar panels
The first thing is to determine of it is the solar system that is causing problems with your tv signal. This is easy enough to do; simply note what times your solar system is programmed to switch on/off. Is your tv signal only playing up when the solar system is on? if it is this is an indication that your solar system could well be causing interference with your tv signal. Get an experienced antenna specialist around to take a look.
If the problem does end up being with a faulty invertor relocating the antenna is not likely to help. You need to have the faulty invertor fixed/replaced.
Tiger Antennas has helped rectify hundreds of antenna/solar panel issues over the years – in places like Hornsby, Wahroonga, Berowra Heights, Asquith, Brooklyn etc.. We provide a free quote service.
Tony. Tiger Antennas 0416 099 186